Multisourced e-Learning and Open University 2.0: Some Basic Thoughts

by Uwes A. Chaeruman
Posted March 6th, 2009 at 2:29 pm

Jos Luhukay

The Indonesian National ICT Council


The availability of interconnection and better bandwidths have caused the current rise in e-Learning implementations. While the multi-channel approach is increasingly accepted and practiced, the scarcity in quality content and instructors remains a major issue. Multisourcing is a method well within existing regulatory boundaries which can be utilized to address this problem. Given the current improvements in interconnectivity and local ICT capabilities, it has the potentials to help resolve main impediments in massively deploying e-Learning in Indonesia. This paper presents basic thoughts of multisourcing and an introduction to Open University 2.0, an improved national framework in e-Learning. A pilot implementation of multisourced e-Learning, the National e-Learning Exchange Technology (NeXT) is also described.

Full of his presentation can be downloaded here: luhukay-isodel-07present

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