Blended Learning : What Works

by Uwes A. Chaeruman
Posted August 17th, 2008 at 6:53 pm

This Article was written by Bersin and Associates dalam Blended Learning: What Works?

After nearly 2 years of research in blended learning, and detailed interviews with more than 30 companies, we find that blended learning is replacing “e-learning” as the next big thing. Our research finds that blended learning programs are perhaps the highest impact, lowest cost way to drive major corporate initiatives. Companies have discovered unique and powerful methodologies for selecting the “right media” to solve a given business problem. The biggest challenges companies face include technology and the change management and business processes required to roll out major programs. Results: Blended Learning solves the problem of speed, scale, and impact – and leverages e-learning where it’s most appropriate, without forcing e-learning into places it does not fit.

Blended Learning is the latest buzzword in corporate training. It sounds so simple – mixing e-learning with other types of training delivery. But now that internet-training is so widespread, where does it fit? What are the best ways to “blend” delivery types? Will the term “blended learning” replace e-learning?

You can download more detail of this article here: blended_bersin.doc

2 ResponsesLeave a comment
  • Abdullah Zein
    September 2, 2008 at 10:33 am

    Assalamu’alaikum mas wes. Saya teman basel, th 98 kita pernah bareng dg yusro dkk. masih ingat ? bisa dapetin info beasiswa di UNJ utk saya ? atau istri saya alumni UIN jurusan Tafsir hadits. terima kasih. selamat menunaikan ibadah shoum Ramadhan 1427 H

  • Uwes A. Chaeruman
    September 3, 2008 at 11:54 am

    waalaikum salam. Beasiswa di UNJ tidak ada. Biasanya, mahasiswa yang kuliah S-2 di UNJ dapat beasiswa dari institusi tertentu, biasanya sih dari instansi terkait. Misal, kalo dia dosen dapat dari Dikti, kalo dia staf Depag ya dapat dari Depag. atau pegawai diknas dapat dari sekretaris Jenderal Depdiknas. Begitu… isteri saya sendiri kuliah S2 di UNJ dapat beasiswa dari saya sendiri…. he he he he :)

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