Uwes A. Chaeruman

Basic Concept of Constructivistic Learning Approach

Basic Concept Wana Daphne Lin Hsiao stated that basically, constructivism views that knowledge is not ‘about’ the world, but rather ‘constitutive’ of the world (Sherman, 1995). Constructivist approach to learning emphasizes authentic, challenging projects that include students, teachers and experts in the learning community. In an authentic environment, learners assume the responsibilities...
Uwes A. Chaeruman

Learner Centered Education in the Knowledge Age

paper writen and presented by: Dr. Josep Rota and Dr. sandra Turner OHIO University Abstarct A central premise of this presentation is that higher education is undergoing a paradigm shift as we change our conception of a university is a place of teaching and replace it with a new model of a university as a place of learning. Central to this change are three key elements: (1) the role that the new technologies...
Uwes A. Chaeruman

Learning Object and Instructional Design

Dear para TPers alias Teknolog Pendidikan, e-Learning telah memenjadi issu yang kontemporer dalam dunia teknologi pendidikan di era informasi saat ini.Salah satu issu dalam e-learning tersebut adalah learning object. Bagaimana kaitannya antara learning object dengan isntructional design? Pertanyaan yang menarik bukan? adalah David A. Wiley dari Brigham Young University melakukan disertasi tentang hal ini untuk...
Uwes A. Chaeruman

Instructional Design and Learning Theory

To students of instructional design the introduction and subsequent “sorting out” of the various learning theories and associated instructional design strategies can be somewhat confusing. It was out of this feeling of cognitive dissonance that this site was born. Why does it seem so difficult to differentiate between three basic theories of learning? Why do the names of theorists appear connected...
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