• Sekedar tanggapan untuk kang dayat yang sedang mencari literatur terkait resources-based learning. Beirkut ini saya temukan beberapa artikel tentang hal tersebut. Namun mohon maaf, sy tidak sempat menafsirkannya dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia. Bagaimana kalau kita cuplik aslinya disini dan silakan klick link ke sumber asilinya disini.

    The design of any teaching method - and of language teaching methods in particular - will include views on the role of teachers, of learners and of materials (Richards & Rodgers 1986). Resource-based learning is a view which gives prominence to the role of resources in the teaching and learning process. It is concerned with

    1. the principles which guide the selection and the organisation of the content of learning materials
    2. the use of such materials, which includes
    * the nature of the activities which learners will be carrying out
    * whether students will be working individually or in groups
    * the nature of the support students can get
    * the ways in which learning will be assessed
    3. technical and professional issues, which include
    * the design and production of materials and the appropriate use of the various media
    * classification issues for cataloguing or retrieval systems

    RBL therefore conceptualises learning as a process which foregrounds the importance of the resources available to learners and in so doing presupposes that the interaction between the learner(s) and the resources (which may include human resources) is the main structuring device of the learning situation. This raises the issue of the pedagogical relationship between the learner and teacher and of the nature of the teacher’s role in particular.

    RBL is thus highly dependent upon views of knowledge and of learning on the one hand - which, in the domain of language learning, presupposes views of the nature of language and of second language acquisition - and, on the other hand, upon views of the ways technology can be used effectively to support learning and teaching in the HE sector.

    Nah, selengkapnya silakan download disini: Resources Based Learning, by Edith Esch.

    Artikel lainnya, bisa didownload disini:
    1. Best Practice of Instructional Strategies & Technicques: Resources-based Learning
    2. Penelitian yang relean penerapan RBL untuk mata pelejaran geografi.
    3. Contoh penerapan RBL dalam Lingkup lebih luas yaitu Sekolah atau Univeristas.

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    This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008 at 9:01 am and is filed under Instructional / Training Design, instructional media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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    1. hidayat
      Posted on December 18th

      hatur nuhun pa uwes. klo ada lagi boleh di posting lg ya

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